Indication of the Way into the Kingdom of Heaven: An Introduction to Christian Life
Indication of the Way into the Kingdom of Heaven: An Introduction to Christian Life
St. Innocent of Alaska
ISBN 978-88465-303-5

People were not created merely to live here on earth like animals that disappear after their death, but to live with God and in God, and to live not for a hundred or a thousand years, but to live eternally. So begins this direct and heart-warming introduction to the Christian life that was first composed for the Aleut people of Alaska in the early nineteenth century. This book offers a classic Christian response to questions that we all must address at some point in our life: Why are we here and where can we truly find happiness and prosperity? In a time when the futility of the never-ending pursuit of material gain is being recognized more widely, this work is more relevant then ever.

Since its first publication in Aleut in 1833, this book has been published in numerous Russian language editions and seven English language printings.  This new English language edition is further enhanced with points for reflection at the end of each section that can be used as an aid for further engagement with the text either individually or in a guided group study setting.

Softcover: $14.00

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