A Christian Ending: A Handbook for Burial in the Ancient Christian Tradition (2nd edition)
A Christian Ending: A Handbook for Burial in the Ancient Christian Tradition (2nd edition)
J. Mark and Elizabeth J. Barna
ISBN 978-0-9864011-0-7

Per the publisher, this book is currently out of stock.  Re-print date:  late 2026.

Second Edition:  Enlarged and Enriched

An Orthodox Christian life ends with the act of Christian burial.  The body of a Christian, which was immersed in the sacred waters of Baptism, anointed with Holy Chrism, and nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ, has become the sanctified dwelling place of God, even in death remaining worthy of profound reverence.  By undertaking the solemn task of preparing the body and celebrating the traditional funeral rites, not only does a Christian community show proper respect for the body of the departed, but all involved also receive tremendous spiritual blessing and nourishment.  This book provides a detailed description of the many facets involved in this great act of love.  May it be a blessing for all who heed the advice it offers, and may it help all our communities to enter more deeply into the awesome mystery we must all face:  death, and the preparation for our resurrection!  --Metropolitan JONAH, Primate of the Orthodox Church in America

Written in a genial, conversational style, this book offers the Christian reader a solid foundation in both the theology and the psychology of death:  its place within God's creative and saving work, and the personal impact it makes on those facing death and those who grieve for them.  It also clarifies a great many misconceptions held by most people concerning professional funeral practices, making clear that a truly "Christian ending" to our life can mean beauty and utter simplicity both in the rituals that surround it and in the burial itself.  --Fr. John Breck


Softcover: $19.50

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