Monastery Grounds:  dawn to dusk Tuesday through Sunday          Monastery Books & Gifts Store:  see Store Hours

Grounds & Store are closed on Mondays, on Great Feast Days*, and on select Holy Days
*January 6, February 2, March 25, Palm Sunday, Pascha, Ascension, Pentecost, August 6 & 15, September 8 & 14, November 21, December 25

Church tours available by appointment  ~~  Walk-ins welcome  ~~  Please contact us

An Orthodox Christian Monastery for Women

From its home on the banks of the Napa River in Calistoga, California,

Holy Assumption Monastery welcomes faithful pilgrims and visitors of all backgrounds.

Please use our website to learn about our community, explore Orthodox Christianity and its monastic tradition,

and find out about events at the monastery.

Holy Assumption Monastery is part of the Orthodox Church in America's Diocese of San Francisco and the West,

under the omophorion of His Eminence, Archbishop BENJAMIN. 

2024 Year End - $50,000.00

It's hard to communicate the full impact of the new St. Nicholas House: the space feels so organic to the monastery that the sisters feel as though it has always been there. Yet we never cease to give thanks for all the blessings it has brought: new cells, handicap-accessible bathrooms, a baking kitchen, a library, a sewing room... the list goes on and on!

The $400,000 construction loan from the Orthodox Church Capital Improvement Fund (OCCIF) requires monthly payments and will come due in February 2028. God willing, the sisterhood hopes to pay the loan off in full at that time. The success of our year-end campaigns are critical to that process.

At the same time, even more is happening with the monastery's physical plant. Thanks to the flexibility afforded by the new house and the success of the 2023 Year-End Campaign, the sisterhood has embarked upon long-overdue repairs to other structures. St. Julianna Cottage received new electrical wiring and plumbing; St. Barbara House underwent an asbestos abatement and mold remediation, and is in process of becoming the monastery's pilgrim house. We are also about to rebuild the deck and aviary right behind St. Nicholas House, as the deck has rotted to the point of collapse.

Every donation made to the 2024 Year-End Campaign will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, thanks to a bequest from a friend of the monastery. Thank you for your prayers and support!

$63,094.71 raised of $50,000.00
Top Donors
Recent Donations
$150.0001/22/2025 @ 6:02pm
$100.0001/01/2025 @ 9:11pm
$500.0001/01/2025 @ 12:23am
$500.0012/31/2024 @ 4:09pm
$200.0012/31/2024 @ 11:57am

Upcoming Schedule

I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD. ~Psalm 122:1

Prayer services are open to the public.  Monthly calendar.

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    5:30 Matins
    12:15 Sixth Hour & Panikhida
    6:00 Vespers
    7:30 Compline
    Fast free
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    5:30 Matins
    12:15 Sixth Hour & Panikhida
    6:00 Vespers
    7:30 Compline
    Fast free
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    5:30 Matins
    12:15 Sixth Hour & Panikhida
    6:00 Vespers
    7:30 Compline
    Fast free
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    5:30 Matins
    12:15 Sixth Hour & Panikhida
    6:00 Vespers
    7:30 Compline
    Fast free
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    5:30 Matins
    12:15 Sixth Hour & Panikhida
    5:00 Vigil
    Fast free
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    10:00 Sunday Divine Liturgy or Typica

    5:00 Vespers & Matins
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    6:00 Vespers
    7:30 Compline
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    5:30 Matins
    12:15 Sixth Hour & Panikhida
    6:00 Vespers
    7:30 Compline
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    5:30 Matins
    12:15 Sixth Hour & Panikhida
    6:00 Vespers
    7:30 Compline
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    5:30 Matins
    12:15 Sixth Hour & Panikhida
    6:00 Vespers
    7:30 Compline

Monastery's Monthly Newsletter

CLICK this box to read our latest newsletter

The monastery's newsletter is available! Read Mother Melania's monthly reflection and other updates. The monthly calendar may be viewed in the newsletter, or by checking our online calendar or our Facebook Page.


Mother Melania's Monthly Missives

CLICK this box to read Mother's latest newsletter

A not entirely random mix of reflections on life, coloring pages, thoughts about kids' books and updates on Mother Melania's books


Retreats & Events

Hosted at the monastery. And, sisters available to travel as speakers.

Call 707-942-6244 or email sisters@holyassumptionmonastery.com

Latest Divine Liturgy
Collection of most recent videos
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Monastery Books & Gifts
Explore our store!
See what's new and our featured items! Every purchase you make supports the monastery. Thank you!
Monasteries in America
The electronic updated edition of the Atlas of American Orthodox Christian Monasteries has been released by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA. The PDF file may be downloaded free of charge. The hard copy of the Atlas may be purchased directly from the publisher, Holy Cross Orthodox Press.
English & Spanish Resources
Recursos en Español (Spanish Resources) Con los elogios de la Diócesis del Sur, folletos, podcasts y textos litúrgicos están disponibles en español. (With the compliments of the Diocese of the South, brochures, podcasts and liturgical texts are available in Spanish.)
HAM Newsletter

If you would like to join our mailing list, please fill out the following form.

Holy Assumption Monastery
1519 Washington St, Calistoga, CA 94515

(707) 942-6244