Prayer Books
A Prayer Book for Orthodox Christians, Pocket-Size Paper
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese

This perennially popular handy pocket-size book contains the standard daily personal prayers of Orthodox Christians, plus prayers for many special needs and circumstances. It includes many concise spiritual helps and factual lists, as well as a helpful guide to prepare oneself for confession, and the prayers of preparation for Holy Communion. It also contains the text of the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.

7th printing edition.  It was newly typeset in 2022, and is slightly larger than previous editions at 3.5 x 5.5 inches.  Sturdy paper cover.

Age 12 and up

Akathist Hymn Chanted Before the Wonderworking Iveron Icon of the Most-Holy Theotokos, Known as the Keeper of the Gate
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

In honor of the upcoming 15th anniversary of the wondrous appearance of the miraculous Myrrh-Streaming Iveron Icon of the Mother of God of Hawaii (2022), the Orthodox Hawaiian Iveron Icon Association has published this Akathist.  As expressed in the introduction, “Wherever the Holy Icon goes, the Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother abound. People have commented that just being in the presence of this Icon, one feels such an abundance of love and joy. It is truly indescribable. We are so very blessed that God has shown His love toward us by allowing us a small foreshadowing of what the saints call ‘the true odor of sanctity.’ ”

The publication includes a Foreword by His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, an Introduction about the Holy Icon, and Troparia to Iveron Icons “of Hawaii,” “of Montreal,” “of Mount Athos,” and “of Moscow.”

Income from the publication assists the Foundation in bringing the Holy Icon throughout the Orthodox world, as well as toward the memorial shrine being built in honor of the Holy Icon, in Hawaii.

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Akathist Hymn to St. John, Archbishop of Shanghai & San Francisco, the Wonderworker
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

St. John the Wonderworker is a saint of our times, beloved by those around the world, who continues to work countless miracles.  As His Grace Bishop James relates in his Foreword to the Akathist, the miracles and extraordinary accounts concerning St. John “assure us that we are not alone in facing the difficult challenges of earthly life.  Indeed, the Lord Himself promised:  Behold, I shall not leave you orphans (John 14:18).  St. John fulfilled this promise, having cared for so many orphans during his lifetime; and as his constant miracles attest, he continues to care for us.  Therefore, let us not allow ourselves to become spiritual orphans through worrying and being anxious: may we instead turn to him in prayer and ask for his bold intercessions before our Lord.”

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Akathist of Repentance, For One Who Has Aborted a Child
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

This tearful, cleansing lamentation comes from the heart of a believing Orthodox person.  With hope, she tenaciously clings to her Saviour with the boldness of one who knows the ultimate greatness of Christ's forgiveness.  Not attempting to hide from Christ's gaze the magnitude of her sinful actions, the writer of this akathist fully presents her fallenness to the Lord without leaving unspoken even a trace for which the demons might accuse her at the Last Judgment.  And out of the fullness of her repentance, in this liturgical expression of sorrow, she can freely call out:

O Lord, my Lord, my Joy, have mercy on me who am fallen.

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Akathist to Almighty God, For Help in Trouble
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

When faced with difficulties (whether great or small) this akathist not only brings solace to the soul but helps in strengthening one's faith in the merciful providence of our loving Lord.

O Lord, my Lord, my joy, grant that I may rejoice in Thy mercy!

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Akathist to Jesus Christ, For a Loved One Who Has Fallen Asleep
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

Anyone grieving over the loss of a loved one will truly find comfort here--for oneself and for the dearly beloved one who has departed.  A thoughtful gift to give at funerals.

Jesus, All-merciful Judge, vouchsafe Thy servant (handmaiden) "Name" the sweetness of Paradise.

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Akathist to Jesus, Conqueror of Death
St. Nikolai (Velimirovich)

This Akathist to Jesus, Conqueror of Death, was prayerfully and masterfully written by St. Nikolai, the Bishop of Ohrid.  Earlier he had composed and published his famous Prayers by the Lake.  Soon after being issued, the Prayers were very cordially and thoughtfully introduced and praised by Hiermonk Justin Popovich, at that time in a professor of St. Sava Theological Seminary.

Probably in response to the sincere presentation of the Prayers by the Lake, Bishop Nikolai in his own hand wrote this highly poetic and deeply theological Akathist to the Resurrected Christ, in a notebook on pages without lines, inscribing at its end:

Composed and dedicated to Hieromonk Justin by monk Nikolai.  Pascha, 1923.

This manuscript notebook with the Akathist has been kept up to the present day in the personal library of Father Justin the New of Celije, of blessed memory [now canonized by the Church].

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Akathist to Martyr Varus, Holy Intercessor for Family Members Who Reposed Outside of the Orthodox Faith
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

One often hears converts to Orthodoxy express their sorrow that there are no Orthodox prayers one may offer on behalf of their beloved relatives who have departed this life outside the Church.  Over the past several years a wondrous fervor of veneration for the holy Martyr Varus has blossomed forth, especially in Russia, as a heavenly intercessor for those who died outside the Faith. The memorable Patriarch Alexis II noted:  "Chapels are being built in honor of the martyr Varus, and icons are being painted.  From his life it follows that he possessed a special desire to pray to God for those who died unbaptized."

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Akathist to St. Luke, the Blessed Surgeon, Compassionate Healer
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

In response to the numerous prayer requests for those facing surgery, we are pleased to offer this Akathist to St. Luke, the Blessed Surgeon.  St. Luke of Simferopol--the renowned surgeon and revered hierarch of the Church--was a true father, shepherd and healer for the faithful through decades of Communist persecution.  His grace-filled skill as a surgeon, even in the worst conditions, brought healing to countless people wherever he was--whether in one of the great hospitals or in exile, operating on a wooden table with only a pocket knife.  Miracles still abound through the grace of his intercession, and thousands flock to his holy relics.

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Akathist to Sts. Peter & Fevronia, Protectors of Orthodox Marriage
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

For centuries, the faithful of Russia have honored Sts. Peter and Fevronia as patrons of honorable marriage.  A few years ago, the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, in honor of Orthodox family life, was established, fittingly acknowledging these righteous saints as protectors.  On this day, special petitions for the preservation of Orthodox marriage are included in the Liturgy and a special prayer, invoking the intercession of Sts. Peter and Fevronia, is said at the conclusion of the service. (This prayer is included at the end of the Akathist.)

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Akathist to the Child-Martyr Gabriel, Protector of Vulnerable Children
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

This new addition to the Series of Akathists is to the Child-Martyr Gabriel of Poland.  Though the saint lived in the late-seventeenth century and on the other side of the world from us, he is nonetheless a ready intercessor for our times. 

This innocent child, at the age of six, was abducted and subjected to cruel torture, yet heroically proved himself to be a true passion-bearer for Christ, attested by his wondrous incorrupt relics.  Miracles of the saint’s intercession abound.  For us the faithful, sorrowing over the serious sins against the youth of our own times (such as the victims of the multi-billion-dollar child-trafficking industry), we offer this publication as a means for prayer for the protection of any child who is in a vulnerable situation: those who have fallen prey to abductors, who are being abused, or those being neglected even in their own homes.

The publication includes a Foreword by Fr. Nectarios, the Guardian of the Wonderworking “Hawaiian” Iveron Icon of the Holy Theotokos, as well as a Brief Life of the saint, which portrays the fascinating account of the history surrounding the saint’s holy relics.  Also included in the publication is a beautiful Prayer for Children, composed by St. Nikolai Velimirovich.

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Akathist to the Guardian Angel, Who Keepeth Unceasing Watch Over One's Life
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

These prayers instill a sincere gratitude for the tireless vigilance and care of one's Guardian Angel, awakening an awareness of their ever-present closeness.

Rejoice, O Angel of the Lord, my tireless Guardian!

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Akathist to the Holy Archangel Michael, Protector & Defender of the Faithful
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

As a prayerful aid in these troubled times, we offer the Akathist to the Holy Archangel Michael, whose mighty intercession for Christians assuages fears! Included in this edition is the account of the Miracle wrought by the Holy Archangel Michael at Chonae, and Hymns of Praise composed by St. Nikolai (Velimirovich).

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Akathist to the Mother of God "Pantanassa", Healer of Cancer
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Akathist to the Mother of God, Nurturer of Children
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

Hundreds of mothers faithfully take this little book in hand to pray daily for their children by name. This akathist may also be used to pray for grandchildren and godchildren.

Raise my children (names), O Lady, to be made worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven
and make them heirs of eternal blessings.

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Akathist to the Mother of God, The Inexhaustible Cup
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

Written to the miracle-working icon of the same name, this akathist appeals to the Virgin for help in healing those addicted to alcohol or drugs; it may be prayed either by those suffering from addiction or by another person on their behalf.  Many miraculous healings have occurred through the grace of this holy icon.

Rejoice, O Sovereign Lady, Thou Inexhaustible Cup that quenches our spiritual thirst!

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Akathist to the Myrrh-Streaming Icon of the Mother of God, Softener of Evil Hearts
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

The wonderworking, myrrh-streaming icon of the Mother of God, “Softener of Evil Hearts,” is one of the sacred treasures of the Russian Orthodox Church today.  The icon depicts the boundless sorrow and pain of heart that the Theotokos experienced during her earthly life, as prophesied by Simeon the Godreceiver, a sword shall pierce through thine own soul also... (Luke 2:35).

The icon first began to stream myrrh in 1998 and continues to stream, often in response to occurrences in the world, including the 9-11 terrorist attack and the Beslan school massacre.  On Pascha night, 2020, bright red drops resembling blood appeared on the icon.  In an interview with the guardian of the icon, Sergei Fomin, he speaks of the many healings that occur.  Everywhere, the icon is received with joy and hope. 

Multitudes of people come to venerate the holy icon and to ask for healing from bodily illnesses (including cancer), for consolation in sorrows and afflictions of life, for the softening of their own hearts and those of their neighbors, for help and support for their spirits and souls.  All those who turn to the Mother of God in prayer before the icon sense an easing of spiritual and physical suffering.  They begin to recognize that when they pray for their enemies before the icon, their feelings of enmity are softened, and that strife and hatred abate, giving way to kindness.

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Akathist to the Righteous Joachim & Anna, For Blessed Married Life
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

"O my beloved sojourners struggling to remain upon the 'narrow path' to Paradise, how desperately we need to set before us these Intercessors as examples to imitate, for it is difficult to find lives imbued with integrity in today's world," writes Father Demetrios Carellas in the Preface.

This publication is offered so as to invoke the wonderful intercession of these righteous Ancestors of God; as an aid for those desiring to overcome childlessness; and for the strengthening of the marriage bond.

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Akathist to the Venerable Father Paisius (Velichkovsky)
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

Our Father among the Saints, the Great Schema-Archimandrite Paisius (1722-1794), truly is, as this akathist says, a "chosen commander of spiritual warriors, guide and all-wondrous shepherd of monks, who through the writings of the Fathers fed our souls."  And he feeds us yet today, through his writings, his witness, and most importantly through his heavenly intercession.

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Book of Hours, Pocket Edition
Holy Transfiguration Monastery
ISBN 978–0–943405–18–6

The Midnight Service and the Hours in a Handy Pocket-Book Form

With this pocket edition, Holy Transfiguration Monastery (HTM) presents the faithful with the text of the Midnight Service and the Hours as printed in their Great Horologion in 1997, in the same format as their Pocket Psalter printed in 2007.

The HTM Prayer Book for Orthodox Christians, first printed in 1987, includes the Morning Prayers, Small Compline, Vespers, Matins, and Divine Liturgy: all that was missing for the full cycle of daily services was the Midnight Service and the Hours.

Taken together, the HTM Prayer Book and this Book of Hours now provide the full cycle of daily services in a convenient format for personal use.

176 pages, Smyth Sewn, Hard Cover
4 x 6 1/2 inches
Printed Two Color on Mohawk Via Laid Paper

The Midnight Service includes the forms necessary for its performance on Weekdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. The Hours includes:

• the Hours with their Mid-hours, and variants needed for use in Great Lent
• the Typica both as used in Lent and outside of it
• the Antiphons for daily use in the Divine Liturgy
• The Prokeimenon of the Epistle and Alleluia of the Gospel for every day of the week, and common Prokeimena and Alleluia for Saints
• The Cherubic hymns used in the Liturgies of St John Chrysostom, St Basil the Great, St James, and the Presanctified
• The Service of the Refectory
• Prayers for the Midday Meal

As with all of HTM's liturgical publications, the Pocket Book of Hours is printed with black text for all that is read or chanted, and red for all rubrics and instructions. It is illustrated with line art throughout.

Canon of Prayer, For Those Who Have Ended Their Own Life
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

This Canon of Prayer is to be said on behalf of one who has taken his or her own life.  Intended for devotional (private) use, it is offered with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco.  The Introduction, written by Bishop Irenei of London, provides a sober, yet mercifully compassionate, voice from the Church.  For ease of use, there are two sections:  one intended for the soul of a man, and the other for the soul of a woman.

What is a Canon?  A canon is a structured hymn used in a number of Orthodox services. It consists of nine odes, sometimes called canticles or songs depending on the translation, based on compositions (also called odes) found in the Bible and, with one exception, the Old Testament.  (Source:

Canon to New Martyr Ephraim, Wonderworker of Nea Makri
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

Complimenting the Akathist to Child-Martyr Gabriel is this additional new publication in the Akathist Series.  It is a Canon to New Martyr Ephraim of Nea Makri, whose holy relics were discovered in Greece, in the year 1950.  Although there is a rich array of various healings by the saint, his “signature,” as it were, is for helping wayward youth, those addicted to drugs, the despairing and suicidal. 

The publication includes an insightful introduction, depicting the explosion of social media resulting in a youth culture racked by isolation and despair. Several accounts of the saint’s dramatic miracles are included, revealing the closeness of the saint and his powerful intercession.

Canon to our Venerable Mother Mary of Egypt, Humble Victor over Carnal Passions
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

Our nation is being devastated by a great spiritual tsunami of lustful passions.  As Fr. Demetrios Carellas writes in the Introduction: “May this Canon to St. Mary, and the Spirit-filled prayers at the end, help us in our efforts to keep our souls from sinking under this soul-destroying tsunami.  May we also offer it as an intercession for others who are under the control of this demonic weapon of mass destruction, and who—at present—do not have the desire, or strength, to escape its terrible impact on their souls.”  Includes a prayer against internet pornography.

What is a Canon?  A canon is a structured hymn used in a number of Orthodox services. It consists of nine odes, sometimes called canticles or songs depending on the translation, based on compositions (also called odes) found in the Bible and, with one exception, the Old Testament.  (Source:

Canon to the Lord, For a Sick Child
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

This deeply moving canon of prayer eloquently expresses the heart-felt anguish of anyone in need of praying for a sick child.  Includes a full introduction of insightful counsels by a Russian Orthodox Priest-Pediatrician, and the following prayers at the end:  Prayer for a Sick Child, Prayer for a Child Suffering Great Pain, Prayer of Thanksgiving for Healing.

O Lord, show the power of Thy mercy!

What is a Canon?  A canon is a structured hymn used in a number of Orthodox services. It consists of nine odes, sometimes called canticles or songs depending on the translation, based on compositions (also called odes) found in the Bible and, with one exception, the Old Testament.  (Source:

Commemoration Book For Personal Prayers
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery
Current Edition

This Commemoration Book is designed for collecting the names of your loved ones and all those for whom you offer prayers, living and departed.  24 pages

Approximate size:  4" wide x 6" tall

Meditations for Advent: Preparing for Christ's Birth
Vassilios Papavassiliou
ISBN 978-1-936270-77-4

The author of the popular Meditations for Great Lent takes us through the hymnography, scripture readings, and iconography for the forty days leading up to the Nativity of Christ, showing how a full understanding of the Incarnation can enrich our spiritual lives.


Meditations for Great Lent: Reflections on the Triodion
Vassilios Papavassiliou
ISBN 978-1-936270-60-6

The Lenten Triodion exhorts us, “Let us observe a fast acceptable and pleasing to the Lord.”  Using hymns from the Triodion and the Scripture readings appointed for the season, Meditations for Great Lent shows us how to make our fast acceptable: to fast not only from food but from sin; to fast with love and humility, as a means to an end and not an end in itself.  Keep this gem of a book with you to inspire you for the Fast and to dip into for encouragement as you pursue your Lenten journey.


Meditations for Holy Week: Dying and Rising with Christ
Vassilios Papavassiliou
ISBN 978-1-93627088-0

Archimandrite Vassilios brings his liturgical and devotional insights and warm, accessible style to bear on the services of Holy Week, helping the reader enter fully into this most rich and intense period of the Christian year.


Meditations for Pascha: Reflections on the Pentecostarion
Vassilios Papavassiliou
ISBN 978-1-936270-25-5

Far from being merely a “vacation from fasting,” the Pascha season is a time that, properly understood, can greatly enrich our faith.  During the Pascha season, we celebrate and rejoice in our Lord’s Resurrection and we prepare for the great feast of the Holy Spirit descending upon us.


Meditations for the 12 Great Feasts: Becoming Fully Human in Christ
Vassilios Papavassiliou
ISBN 978-1-936270-26-2

This volume completes the popular Meditations series by taking a brief look at each of the major feasts of the church year.  Fr. Vassilios brings out the gems embodied in the church's hymnography to enhance our understanding and participation in these milestones of our salvation.  The subtitle of the book is:  Becoming Fully Human in Christ.  Other titles in the series include:  Meditations for Great Lent (Reflections on the Triodion); Meditations for Holy Week (Dying and Rising with Christ); Meditations for Pascha (Reflections on the Pentecostarion); and Meditations for Advent (Preparing for Christ's Birth).


Orthodox Christian Prayers
St. Tikhon's Monastery Press
ISBN 978-1-7328522-1-1

Edited by Hieromonk Herman and Priest John Mikitish, this richly illustrated, pocket-size, prayer book adopts the familiar translation of the St. Tikhon’s Monastery Press' 1982 edition, refining its language where necessary and presenting it in the elegant typography that defined St. Tikhon's popular Hieratikon. Encased in a soft imitation leather cover with convenient marking ribbons, Orthodox Christian Prayers is made to be passed on from generation to generation.


Paraklesis & Akathist to Our Holy & God-Bearing Father Nikiforos the Leper & Wonderworker
Greek Orthodox Monastery of the Theotokos the Life Giving Spring
ISBN 978-1-732-5403-1-6

Saint Nikiforos was known for his gentleness, humility, submission, unceasing prayer and obedience.  He was never demanding, even though his fingers and toes were eaten away by the sickness [leprosy], leaving him unable to walk and greatly handicapped.  The Holy Spirit endowed him with the gift of helping those who suffer.  Multitudes of people, especially youth, would come to take his blessing and find consolation.  Patients of the institution also enjoyed his fatherly love and care.  However, his main occupation was noetic prayer of the heart, watchfulness and hesychia.  Saint Nikiforos learned the prayer from Saint Anthimos, and in turn taught it to Father Evmenios, for whom he was a spiritual guide until his repose in the Lord on January 4, 1964, at the age of 74.  He also directed Father Evmenios to care for his holy relics, which were later exhumed and found to be fragrant and miracle-working.

Rejoice, true namesake of victory.**
** The name Nikiforos in Greek means "victory-bearer."

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Paraklesis Service to Venerable Paisios the Athonite
Newrome Press
ISBN 978-1-939028778

Pocket size bi-lingual (Greek - English) edition of the Paraklesis Service to St. Paisios the Athonite. Translated by Rev. Fr. Seraphim Dedes.

Printed in full-color.

What is a Paraklesis?  

A paraklesis is a service of supplication specifically for the living (as opposed to a Memorial Service, which is a supplication for the departed). This service is most often addressed to the Theotokos, but may be used to seek the intercessions of any saint. The distinguishing feature of a paraklesis is the inclusion of a supplicatory canon to the saint whose intercessions are being sought. A paraklesis can be served as a stand-alone service or, in a slightly abbreviated form, in conjunction with Vespers. It is appropriate to be served at any time of need.

In Slavic practice, there is a similar service that is called a molieben—this service is either served as a stand-alone service or in conjunction with the Divine Liturgy.


Prayer Book, Jordanville
Holy Trinity Monastery
ISBN 978-0-88465-175-8


The gold standard of Orthodox prayer books in the English language!  Includes canons, akathists, troparia, daily prayers, the Divine Liturgy, and more.  Beautifully bound in maroon color and gold embossed.  Frequently referred to as "The Jordanville Prayer Book".

Psalter, Pocket Edition
Holy Transfiguration Monastery

The full text of Holy Transfiguration Monastery's English translation of the Psalms from the Septuagint Greek, newly formatted as a pocket edition for personal use.

Hardcover binding. 240 pages. 2-color printing.

  • 4" x 6¼" page size
  • Printed two-color throughout
  • Sewn-bound, hard cover
  • Printed on Mohawk Opaque, an acid-free paper of high quality

Included in addition to the 150 Psalms:

  • A Psalm (Psalm 151)
  • A Prayer for the Reposed
  • Order of Reading the Psalter
  • A table comparing the Septuagint and King James Version (KJV) numbering of the Psalms
  • Psalms Assigned to Services
  • Glossary


Saint Herman of Alaska: His Life & Service
St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood & Archbishop Alypy (Gamanovich)
ISBN 978-1-887904-18-6

Troparion, in Tone 4
Blessed ascetic of the northern wilds * and gracious intercessor for the whole world, * teacher of the Orthodox Faith, * and good instructor of piety, * adornment of Alaska and joy of all America, * holy Father Herman, * pray to Christ God that He may save our souls.

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

Saint Veronica: An Eastern Orthodox Historical Overview & Liturgical Service
Veronica Hughes
ISBN 978-1-973980391

This book presents an Eastern Orthodox perspective on the legends and facts surrounding St. Veronica's life, Veil and Statue.

St. Veronica is one of the most beloved saints in the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. She is the woman with an issue of blood presented in the Gospels, who was instantly cured by Christ when she touched the hem of His garment.

I began my research into the life of St. Veronica when I became Orthodox in 1996, and I chose her for My saint.  Initially, most of what I found about the her was legend.  Then, at the request of my spiritual father to write a service for her, my renewed efforts revealed some remarkable things.

Based on documented facts about St. Veronica, I have written an Orthodox service in honor of her and a short historicaly documented overview of my saint. Holy St. Veronica, pray to God for us!

Service & Akathist to our Father among the Saints, John, Archbishop of Shanghai & San Francisco, the Wonderworker
Russkiy Pastyr Publishing
ISBN 978-0-9826003-1-3

Let us hymn John, the holy hierarch of Christ, the advocate given us by God, who, applying himself to unceasing prayer, and strengthened by the serving of the Liturgy and communion of the most holy Mysteries, went forth bravely to his labor, hastening to the homes of the suffering and to those treated in hospitals.  Wherefore, revealed as sanctified and merciful, he was vouchsafed from on high the gifts of healing and clairvoyance; and now, in heaven, he prayeth with boldness for the salvation of our souls.

Rejoice, O holy hierarch, father John, speedy helper amid misfortunes!

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

The Holy Great Martyr & Healer Panteleimon: His Life & Akathist
Hermitage of the Holy Cross

Saint Panteleimon was a young medical student in the 4th century Roman capital, Nicomedia.  His strongest desire was to help the suffering.  When he encountered Christ in a miraculous way, he fervently devoted himself to his new-found Savior.  And what is more, he found that Christ would answer his prayers and heal man and animal without the need for him to use medical remedies.  His heart replete with compassion, he freely offered healing to all who entreated him--for he freely received from Christ the gift of healing.

We magnify thee, O holy passion-bearer, great martyr and healer Panteleimon,
and we honour thy precious sufferings, which thou didst endure for Christ!

What is an Akathist?  An akathist (Greek, akathistos) is a hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The word akathist itself means "not sitting." (Source:

The Jesus Prayer: A Gift from the Fathers
Father David Hester
ISBN 978-1-888212-26-6

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me."  This prayer has been on the lips of Christians since the time of the Desert Fathers.  What is its history?  How do we make it our own

This booklet traces the development of the Jesus Prayer through the early centuries of the Church and follows its progression through Mount Athos, the teachings of St. Gregory Palamas and others, and discusses its modern revival in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It concludes with a brief discussion of how this prayer can be appropriated by the individual believer today.

The Order of Small Compline and Evening Prayers
Holy Trinity Publications
ISBN 978-0-88565-487-2

The service of Compline is the last liturgical hour of the day and seeks God's forgiveness for our sins during the past day and blessing for the coming night. For most of the year, this service takes the form of Small Compline, an abbreviated and re-arranged form of the Great Compline served during Great Lent. Following the usage of Holy Trinity Monastery (Jordanville, NY), the order incorporates prayers before sleep from the Jordanville Prayer Book and a litany of saints chanted while venerating icons at the completion of the service.

Suitable for use at home or in church.

About the Author:  The monks who came to Holy Trinity Monastery from Eastern Europe after World War II inherited a tradition of printing that stretches back almost to the invention of the printing press in the fifteenth century. Through the fathers’ tireless efforts, the monastery has been printing and publishing Orthodox Christian books for almost sixty-five years. In keeping with the humble spirit required of a monk, books which are written or prepared by members of the monastic brotherhood are published under the general authorship of Holy Trinity Monastery.

The Prayer Rope
St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Monastery
ISBN 978-0-9725504-2-0

This small, full color booklet describes the history of the prayer rope, the Jesus Prayer, the use of the prayer rope in daily life, the fruits of the Jesus Prayer, and how to pray for others.

This Was From Me
St. Paisius Orthodox Monastery

This pocket-sized booklet is a letter which the Saint sent to his spiritual child, a bishop who was in a Soviet prison at the time, as a consolation and counsel that God the Creator addresses to man's soul.

A comfort and an inspiration!

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Holy Assumption Monastery
1519 Washington St, Calistoga, CA 94515

(707) 942-6244

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