The Eyes of All Look to Thee with Hope
The Eyes of All Look to Thee with Hope
Monastery Choir of St. John of San Francisco Monastery, Manton, CA

Per the publisher, this CD is currently out of stock.  Re-stock date, if any:  TBD.

The CD includes 24 selections from Matins, Divine Liturgy, and two paraliturgical pieces. It represents many of the different styles sung at the monastery, Valaam and Byzantine chant, as well as music specially composed to meet the needs of the community.  It is our monastery's vision that a uniquely American chant will gradually develop, growing from the seeds of our inherited traditions.  As they take root in American soil, this chant will become an organic hybrid of different influences from our own folk melodies and harmonies, rooted in the traditions of our ancestors and drawing from the springs of the memorable melodies of the Carpatho-Rus and the timeless and other-worldly modalities of western Gregorian chant and its counterpart, Byzantine chant.

Link to Sample Tracks

Track Listing:
Litany of Peace in Mode 1 -- 1:25
Hymn of Ascent in Tone 4 -- 1:33
Psalm 50 -- 3:29
Open to Me the Doors of Repentance -- 4:01
Kyrie Eleison -- 1:11
Canticle Nine (Magnificat) -- 3:21
Tone 5 Funeral Sticheron -- 1:29
Matins Resurrectional Troparion -- 0:39
Litany of Peace -- 0:53
Trisagion -- 2:04
Troparion and Kontakion of St. John -- 1:45
Cherubikon -- 2:25
Anaphora -- 2:28
Anaphora -- 2:37
It is Truly Meet -- 1:08
The Lord's Prayer -- 1:17
Koinonikon for St. John -- 0:43
Koinonikon for Friday -- 0:30
Koinonikon for Sundays -- 0:33
The Eyes of All Look to Thee -- 3:22
O Joyous Light -- 1:12
Song of St. Symeon -- 0:42
Rejoice, O Virgin -- 0:39
Psalm 33 -- 1:19
O My Most Blessed Queen -- 1:26
You are a Priest -- 2:11

CD: $16.00

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1519 Washington St, Calistoga, CA 94515

(707) 942-6244