Meditations for the 12 Great Feasts: Becoming Fully Human in Christ
Meditations for the 12 Great Feasts: Becoming Fully Human in Christ
Vassilios Papavassiliou
ISBN 978-1-936270-26-2

This volume completes the popular Meditations series by taking a brief look at each of the major feasts of the church year.  Fr. Vassilios brings out the gems embodied in the church's hymnography to enhance our understanding and participation in these milestones of our salvation.  The subtitle of the book is:  Becoming Fully Human in Christ.  Other titles in the series include:  Meditations for Great Lent (Reflections on the Triodion); Meditations for Holy Week (Dying and Rising with Christ); Meditations for Pascha (Reflections on the Pentecostarion); and Meditations for Advent (Preparing for Christ's Birth).


Softcover: $12.00

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