How Our Departed Ones Live
How Our Departed Ones Live
Monk Mitrophan
ISBN 978–0–88465–401–8

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Conqueror of death, and, consequently, of the death of our departed ones. Let us say to them in Him, not 'Farewell,' but 'Until we meet again, beloved spouse, good parents, dear brother or sister. Until we meet again!'

While many are now abandoning traditional religious practice, none the less, the reality of death and questions regarding the afterlife remain at the forefront of spiritual consciousness. How Our Departed Ones Live is the answer to those who seek the truth as expressed through the experience of the Orthodox Church. This comprehensive book discusses the source of death and mortality, the inner connection and mutual relationship between the living and the departed, intercession by the living for the departed, and life beyond the grave. It will comfort the grieving and inspire all Christians to strengthen their resolve as they seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness.

About the Author:  Monk Mitrophan was Russian Orthodox monk of the Konevsky Monastery on the Konevets island of Lake Ladoga.  John Robert Shaw is a liturgist, Slavist, and linguist. In 2008 he was tonsured a monk with the name Jerome and subsequently consecrated as Bishop of Manhattan by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.

Softcover: $21.50

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