Transformative Wisdom Series: Illumining Shame, Anger, and Forgiveness
Transformative Wisdom Series: Illumining Shame, Anger, and Forgiveness
Nun Katherine Weston, MA, LMHC
ISBN 978-0-9983906-3-5

Volume 1 of the Transformative Wisdom Series

Illumining Shame, Anger, and Forgiveness examines these intrinsic human experiences through the complementary lenses of biblical faith and modern psychology.  How does shame remind us that we have lost Paradise?  What does anger have to do with family and social roles?  How can we learn to welcome returning “prodigals”?

The Transformative Wisdom Series engages the themes of spiritual, personal, and societal transformation, bringing to bear the timeless wisdom of the Eastern Orthodox Church and the cumulative wisdom of contemporary Western psychotherapies.

Softcover: $13.00

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