Do You Know Yourself? Psychological Problems & the Spiritual Life
Do You Know Yourself? Psychological Problems & the Spiritual Life
Archimandrite Symeon (Kragiopoulos)
ISBN 978-0-9714139-5-5


Per the publisher, this book is currently out of print.  Re-print date, if any:  TBD.

Why do so many of us good Christians find our spiritual progress blocked?  What can we do about the unconscious neurotic tendencies that warp our relations with others?  How can we let go of the idealized image we have of ourselves?  Drawing on the classic work Our Inner Conflicts by psychiatrist Karen Horney, Archimandrite Symeon shows how we are led to unhealthy attachments, slavish dependency, or a position of compliance--which can even affect our relationship with God.  He then explains how today's Christians can use biblical teachings and the wisdom of the Eastern Orthodox Church fathers to combat these characteristically modern problems.


Softcover: $18.50

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